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Highend & Hifideluxe 2019 in Munich

We was able to present its high-end speakers to the international audience at two trade fairs this year.

At the world’s largest audio show HighEnd, along with Axjet speakers, JoSound and Riviera amplifiers, the response to the extremely sensitive speakers was very positive.

Riviera presented its masterfully crafted amplifiers with the magical AER Excenter speakers at the parallel Hifideluxe show in the Marriott Hotel Munich.

Capital Audiofest

We are pleased with the very good rating of stereophile about our custom & subway at the Capital Audiofest (Thx to

“An assembled TU-8600 sounded amazing driving a pair of AER twin-paper-cone, full-range drivers in shallow, cleverly made Plexiglas horns (3900 Euros/pair for the drivers, 3200 Euros/pair for the enclosures). Judging from the smooth, wide-range, and altogether non-problematic sound I heard from those 106dB-sensitive, easy-to-drive (16 ohm) German-made loudspeakers, I can only conclude that the best Lowther-like drivers are no longer made by Lowther—far from it.”


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